The Reality of Cancer: Why 'Cancer-Free' Doesn't Mean Cured

The Reality of Cancer: Why 'Cancer-Free' Doesn't Mean Cured

September 10, 20243 min read

The Truth About Cancer: Why There Is No Cure, Only Control

No one wants to face a serious illness, and cancer is one of the most challenging diseases, especially in British Columbia. Cancer treatment is not only invasive, with significant physical and mental side effects, but it is also alarmingly prevalent. In fact, 1 in 2 Canadians will face a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime. These staggering statistics are a reality for many in BC. When cancer treatments successfully shrink tumors or halt disease progression, it’s natural for patients to want to return to their normal lives. However, terms like "cancer-free" or "cured" are often misunderstood. Let’s make one thing clear: There is no cure for cancer, including BC cancer.

BC Cancer Treatment: Controlling the Disease, Not Curing It

Cancer treatments in BC, especially when detected early, can effectively control the disease. Much like managing chronic conditions such as diabetes, cancer can be controlled, allowing patients to regain many aspects of their pre-cancer lives. However, the term "cancer-free" or claiming to be "cured" can be misleading and inaccurate. People may use these terms to simplify their situation, but the reality of BC cancer is far more complex.

I personally underwent brachytherapy for my stage 2 prostate cancer (Gleason 7), and while I am optimistic, I understand that cancer still lurks in my body. I hope my body and mind will be resilient enough to keep the cancer at bay and minimize the need for further treatments. This is a reality for many facing cancer in BC.

The Misconception of Being "Cancer-Free" in BC

The media often reinforces the misconception of being "cancer-free." For example, a recent report claimed that Kate Middleton, The Duchess of Wales, announced she was "cancer-free." While this makes for great headlines, it doesn’t reflect the full reality. Regardless of her type of cancer, ongoing tests and check-ups will be a part of her life, much like anyone undergoing BC cancer treatment. Even if cancer appears to be gone, it’s never truly out of the picture.

Cancer in BC: A Lifelong Battle Without Parole

Cancer is a lifetime sentence for BC residents and beyond—one without parole. Even with remission or positive test results, there is always the fear of recurrence. Many cancer survivors, including those treated through BC Cancer, experience "scanxiety," a psychological condition where the fear of a recurrence looms over every medical check-up. This fear is entirely valid, as no one wants to experience cancer again after going through difficult treatments.

Hope and Strength for BC Cancer Warriors

To all BC cancer warriors: I wish you strength in your journey. For those who achieve a sense of normalcy post-treatment, I hope your regular tests continue to show that your cancer remains under control. May you never have to undergo active treatment again. But remember, the battle with cancer is never truly over. Cancer can be controlled, but it’s never completely gone. We may never be "cured," but we can persevere.

Our strength and resilience are what will carry us through this lifelong battle against BC cancer.

Greg Brown is the President in Nanaimo and a Prostate Cancer warrior

Greg Brown

Greg Brown is the President in Nanaimo and a Prostate Cancer warrior

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